Biden's press secretary thrashes Trump, tells BIG LIE on Jan. 6 Anniversary * 01/06/2022

2 years ago

(January 6, 2022) #JenPsaki (aka Tokyo Rose) has been pushing a Democrat bill to federalize all national elections ever since the January 6, 2021 protest* of the election fraud on November 3, 2020. Because State legislatures have been reforming the integrity of their elections to make it easier to vote but harder to cheat, the Democrats have been pushing this bill as a "voter rights" bill, even though the last election set a record for votes cast, and not one single person complained that they couldn't vote. The Democrat's fear is, they won't be able to cheat again, so they want to change ELECTION laws, by-passing constitutional State's rights (not VOTING RIGHTS) so that they can obtain and keep power permanently. The Democrats have re-named their bill (HR-1 and S-1) several times. First, it was called "For the People Act".

* Stop The Steal protesters had marched, carried flags and took selfies on January 6, 2021 after President Trump had spoken at a Save America rally hosted by Women for Trump at the Ellipse in D.C. - The protest was infiltrated by about 200 unknown nefarious instigators who had rioted near a tunnel entrance on the 2nd floor on the Westside of the Capital Building. Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been in charge of security at the time but rejected Trump's offer for the National Guard that day, and so, many Capital Police officers suffered injures and one Trump supporter (#AshlBabbitt) was murdered by a plainclothes Capital Police officer. Trump's real supporters were peaceful non-violent and only walked into THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE to take a few photos and then walked out. But the FBI has been ruthlessly hunting them down ever since as though they were "domestic terrorists".

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