Why Freedom Exists. If we don't act, we are doomed.

2 years ago

The freedoms that have been stolen and are increasingly being stolen from us can spell our future as a slave society.

If you FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real), you are doomed.

Instead, get up off your sofa's and away from the electronic income reducer (your television).

Strip the useless mask from your face and walk boldly into the daylight where ever you want.

Say boldly "I am not going to comply with your irresponsible, destructive and illegal mandates!"

"I am not going to give away my God-given right to be a sovereign citizen without shackles!"

Do that, and collectively, we have won the war.

The evil and darkness cannot stand the light of millions of fearless sovereign free citizens. They will crumble before our resolve.

It's not too late - we can still show our children how to be free.

It's your choice.

Choose wisely.

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