Divers/jumpers stow away in rocks as hammerheads swarm above them

3 years ago

The Galapagos Islands are a bunch of distant islands that are essential for Ecuador. Framed a few million years prior by volcanic ejections, these islands are currently home to probably the most interesting and various life in the world. The waters around the Galapagos are a similarly interesting world with a wealth of marine life. Whale sharks and hammerheads gather here en masse, brought by the three primary sea flows that meet around here. This gathering of the rich flows brings an upwelling of marine life and food near the surface and this backings immense populaces of fish.

Hammerhead sharks realize that the Galapagos Islands hold a huge inventory of food and they school here in huge numbers. Scuba jumpers come to watch these eminent creatures right at home. Jumpers dive into the sea and slide directly to the base. Here they sit among the stones and watch what must be portrayed as the world's greatest and most tremendous Imax theater. The creatures swim past, finished, and among the onlookers.

However much these jumpers realize that they are no risk from these mind blowing monsters, gazing toward their strong jaws and lines of teeth tests an individual's mettle in any case. This is one of only a handful of exceptional region of the existence where scuba jumpers can observer the "mass of hammerhead sharks". The sharks swim in such huge numbers that they look like a divider. sharks can rest each side of the equator of their minds in turn so they can stay moving. They can see and respond to dangers even while they are very still. The more modest fish appear to perceive that they are in no peril, however this will change suddenly as dusks and the hammerheads take part in hunting conduct. These fish that swim so nonchalantly alongside and around the sharks should be careful into the evening.

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