Click PLUS PLC Battery CR 2032 Installation

3 years ago

To install or replace the D0-MC-BAT (CR 2032) battery:
1. Power up the CPU for at least 10 minutes to charge the CPU’s capacitor prior to removing the battery. This will retain function memories. It is recommended you backup data memory before replacing the battery. Plan to complete the battery replacement within 10 minutes of power off.
2. Power off the CPU.
3. Pull out the battery holder. (This may require a small screwdriver to push in the tab and lift it when the unit is mounted.)
4. Put in a new battery, with the positive (+) polarity side facing the battery holder. This should snap into place.
5. Insert the battery holder into the CPU and push it all the way in.
6. Power on the CPU.
7. Make a note of the date the battery was installed. (Battery life is about 3 years.) The battery backup is now available.

Programming and examples of the Click and Click PLUS PLC series can be found at this URL:

There are several reasons why we are using the Click and Click PLUS PLCs. Here are just a few.
- Investment is low for the hardware and the software is free
- Standalone PLC with built-in I/O
- Communication ability - Ethernet Port, RS232, RS485 - support for protocols such as Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, etc.
- Ability to expand the system with a variety of modules including RTD and Thermocouple inputs directly.

ACC Automation

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