My Rocker Memories: Unforgiven Fate MC Germany 1978-79

3 years ago

My Rocker Memories: Unforgiven Fate MC Germany 1978-79

Updated with new information and photographs - previous title “Memories of a Rocker - Deutschland 1978-79”

This slide show is comprised of vintage biker photos I took during the time I rode with Unforgiven Fate 1978-79. I hope you enjoy the vintage photos of that time.

The slide show is dedicated to all former members of Unforgiven Fate MC, Goppingen, and especially to the memory of Wolle, Brandy Muller, Chuck Cravens, and Tilo - Lost brothers of the road.

Disclaimer, Unforgiven Fate Motorcycle Club, Germany, referenced as UFMC here on out, UFMC should not be confused with any other club or clubs of similar names.

UFMC, was a club comprised of American soldiers, veterans, and German locals. The club existed from the mid/late 1970s until about 2000 in Göppingen and Schwäbisch Gmünd, part of Stuttgart Region of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

The club was founded around 1976-77 by an Army Veteran Wayne Leedy and his wife Connie, Connie was a soldier on active duty in Göppingen W. Germany.

Myself I left Germany and the club prior to January 1980 when I separated from the Army. I really don’t know much about the club after my time except what I have been told by one of the last German members I reconnected with a couple years ago.

Basically, in the 1980s as American soldiers left the area due to base closers in the area, UFMC evolved into a German only Club and lasted until about the year 2000 when the remaining membership patched over into a larger Club in Stuttgart Germany.

In Memoriam “Wolle” R.I.P.
In Memoriam “Chuck” Cravens R.I.P.
In Memoriam "Brandy" Müller R.I.P
In Memoriam "Tilo" R.I.P.

Zweiter Teil des Tests meines Mikrofons in meinem Helm und ich erinnere mich an meinen ersten Sportster, was damit in Deutschland passiert ist und Gedanken darüber, wo es jetzt sein könnte. Bitte an meine deutschen Brüder: Hilf mir, meinen ersten Sportster zu finden! Sollte sich in der Region Mannheim 1979 HD Sportster XLCH VIN # 4A13014H9

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