The Quick And Ready Forgiveness of God

2 years ago

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When we were first born again, the main thing to do was to ask the Lord to forgive us of all our sins. We were taught that we must go on forgiving others. We quickly learned that our first footsteps on the road to heaven were rough. Forgiveness was put to the test right away. In fact from that point on forgiveness has always been the ceaseless requirement of God for us.

Jesus died on His cross for the ultimate forgiveness of the sins of all mankind. One of the things He says is "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Forgiveness in many instances can be easy when there are small transgressions against us. While there are others that are so egregious that it feels that it is impossible to forgive, though in our hearts we want to in obedience to Jesus.

Then there are other sins we commit along the way that hurt others, even in the name of the Lord, "thinking we are doing God's service."

Recently I had a dream where I saw a person who I had no idea how badly I hurt. That person in my dream hung their head very low, and told me what I did that caused them to sin. I instantly mourned and was deeply, profoundly sorry. I had no idea. I arose and went out to pray. I did more than pray, I poured out my soul to God in deep profound contrition.

The Lord showed me that it is one thing to forgive others for sinning against us, and another thing to ask God to forgive us for sinning against others. But I did not know that there had been people in my life that I caused to sin, who went on to cause others to sin. It set off a chain reaction. I had no ability to see that far and deep.

I had no idea about this realm of sin, and the tentacles that it has. How we can say or do something to a person in harshness, and they go away and take it out on others, who those people then go an take it out on others. I never saw that way.

God is a good parent, and like all good parents He teaches in illustrations and pictures. That is when God gave me a dream. In my dream He showed me plainly the depth of my own sin, and how to make it right. I could not wait to do it, even though I know it might be met with rejection. Yet I was given the power to do it with great joy, grace and peace. The freedom came and the His light shone in my darkness.

If we are to lay down our lives for Christ, it cannot truly be done until we go to Him in heartfelt prayer and ask us to show us what is in us. Then He will show us what we cannot see, and give us the mercy and blessing of clearing ourselves in confessing our sins to Him. To have our spotted garments washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb.

In the midst of his misery, Spurgeon discovered a mercy wider than his wounds and deeper than his depravity. “Print every word of that in diamonds, 'I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.'” Spurgeon believed – and we must believe – that God is in the business of new beginnings. No sin is greater than Christ’s desire to forgive it. No conscience is too stained that God cannot wash it white.

Whatever guilt you are feeling today, be encouraged that the same God who didn't abandon Spurgeon will not abandon you.

Take Jesus's words to heart: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

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