Politically Provoked, Conspiracy Panel January 6th Capital Riots

2 years ago

Was the January 6th insurrection an actual insurrection or was it just a riot? When you guys talk about this violence, were there rioters yes were there broken windows. Have you seen the video from inside the capitol. Sondsol brings up the violent video footage, but there are 14,000 hours of footage that have not been released. How come we can’t see the footage. Was it really all violent? The New York Times released a very long video. There were 140 officers injured during the capital riot and the protestors did erect a gallows outside the capitol. There was no stated goal to bring politicians out to hang, but it definitely was suspect when people in the crowd were shouting, “I’m going to get this person!” The bottomline is that this is what happens when a bunch of people get very riled up people and one thing led to another and they stormed the capitol. So you’re argument is that there were FBI involvement in January 6th. Did anyone from the proudboys and oathkeepers want to do something violent? On the contrary, how many of the proudboys and oathkeepers were infiltrated by federal agents. So for whatever reason the protest initially started doesn’t matter should not be a factor because it is clear that the protestors have a grievance with the state, and they want their grievances to be heard. These people are mad because they think that the democratic process isbroken and they thought the election was stolen. Insurrection is an interesting word, but if they were other instances of citizens storming government buildings in other states so would that also qualify as an ‘insurrection’. And let’s talk about the kidnapping of Gretchen, where multiple Fed agents were coordinating a crime in order to try to pin it on people (I believe out of 24 people, it was revealed that 19 individuals were federal agents). Everybody knew that something was going to happen and yet Nancy Pelosi denied reinforcements from the national guard 6 times. I would never say that anything that happened on January 6th was morally ok or should happen. The sending the message part is the bad shit is the worst part about January 6th. Like when Kamala Harris likening January 6th to Pearl Harbor or 9/11. And what actually happened, AOC pretended to have PSTD for people wandering around in the capital building. Heres the reality, they had barriers and very specific places around the capital, but the fact is that the cops were letting and waving people into the capital. To give an example in a large gatherings of people, it is possible that people don’t even know that bad things are happening even 10 feet away from them. However, American Nacho countered that point saying that he was literally in the Capital grounds and you could hear flash bangs going off a quarter mile away and you could smell tear gas in the air. Now lets talk about Ray Epps. Who is Ray Epps? Ray Epps who was on the most wanted list. Ray Epps was an individual in which there is over an hour of footage of him directing people to go into a capital.
The biggest problem is that now they can use January 6th as a tool in order to silence the political opposition. The left and the right disagree on things like 10 years ago, but remember when you agreed with the opposite political party on some things? But now some people on the left are talking about people on the right as if they are dangerous people and vice versa too. Ashli Babitt is a martyr because she was a veteran mother of 3 who was murdered in cold blood. She was a staff sergeant in the air force. When a white woman serves time in the military heroically and then gets shot by the VP’s security guard who had the orders there to shoot the Vice President’s own voters. We just found that the justice department gave shoot to kill orders so we should be asking those questions. Meanwhile the left let their BLM and antifa thugs take over a court building in Portland Oregon, burned down buildings and hurt a lot of people. And look at what Eric Adams just did in new York, if you perform an armed robbery, you can be let out on recognizance the next day.

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