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15 seconds


3 years ago

Who owns the world
Documentary by Tim Gielen


  • 0/2000
  • It clearly explains how all areas of business, medical, industrial, banking are all controlled by these corrupt pieces of SHIT!!!!! Corporations and global psychotic deranged perverted elitists

  • This is Awesome, Shocking, and very educational

    1 like
  • Thank you!

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  • Thank you for your incredible work with this video! Well done! I hope that it goes viral and wakes the sleepers!

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  • So how do you figure on taking them down when the world's workers and retirees are the ones who have to live off of these stock dividends throughout the rest of their lives? You are targeting the investment houses but fail to see that getting rid of them would result in most retirees ending up strarving on the streets, after they have spent their whole lives working and investing to prevent that from happening? Do you actually think big daddy government is going to be able to provide all necessities for everyone on the planet when the robots take over and billions of jobs are eliminated? Why not just pass laws that prevent all political interference and manipulation activities by investment houses and large businesses.