Living Through Mass Psychosis

2 years ago

[00:30] Big Bucks for Big Pharma (9 minutes)

In an interview with Joe Rogan, Dr. Robert Malone said, “Pfizer is one of the most criminal organizations in the world, based on their past legal history and fines.” Those fines, he said, include bribing physicians. The bottom line for big pharma: sell drugs and make money.

[09:15] Masking Madness for Children (6 minutes)

While admitting KN95 and N95 masks restrict airflow and are “not the most comfortable,” NBC News correspondent Vicky Nguyen advised parents to double-mask their children before sending them off to school. This comes after the “experts” inexplicably changed course and announced that cloth masks are of little value when it comes to controlling the spread of COVID-19. The “science” continually changes.

[15:20] The Cure Is Worse Than the Virus (11 minutes)

Wall Street Journal cited an October study done for the Reason Foundation showing that “excess deaths (fatalities above historical norms) from homicide, suicide, overdose or accident had amounted to some 82,000 between March 2020 and August 2021.” These are some of the side effects of forced lockdowns, isolation and scaremongering. The Trumpet said it from the start: The cure is killing us.

[26:10] Who Really Benefited From the January 6 ‘Insurrection’? (12 minutes)

Frank Miele at RealClearPolitics wrote an article discussing the “unspoken truth” about the “insurrection.” He wrote, “Donald Trump had nothing to gain and everything to lose by the violent assault on the Capitol that day.” It’s the Democrats who needed violence on January 6 in order to discredit Trump and hopefully disqualify him from every running for office again.

[38:35] Bible Study: Led by the Spirit (16 minutes)

Without the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ cannot live in us, lead and guide our lives in every way. That is why we must follow Christ’s example and stir up the Spirit of God daily through fervent prayer, diligent Bible study, Spirit-led meditation and occasional fasting.

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