The Music Man Presents. Rock Music Bright and Uplifting. Inspirational Rock & Roll.

3 years ago

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After You - Dan Lebowitz 2:31 - An Army of None - The Whole Othe4:03

Barrel Full of Sea Monkeys - The Whole Other 3:18

Cats and Gats - Dyalla 3:10

Duck In The Alley - TrackTribe 1:50

Everything You Wanted - Dan Lebowitz 2:44

Golden Empire - The 126ers 3:41

Home - JHS Pedals 2:19

Laccent - Freedom Trail Studio 3:12

Lilac Skies - Corbyn Kites 1:50

New Day - JHS Pedals 3:03

Pick Up On This - The Mini Vandals 1:32

Rolling Heads - Unicorn Heads 3:42

Royal - Slenderbeats 3:27

Simpler Times - The 126ers 3:58

Sleeper - Steve Adams 3:18

Summer - JHS Pedals 2:20

Trimmed & Taught - Dan Lebowitz 1:45

Triumph on the Prairie - Trevor Garrod 2:33

Upsetter - The Mini Vandals 2:15

You're There - The Mini Vandals 1:56

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