Laugh at Fauci - 1

2 years ago

If we don't laugh at disturbing public figures like Dr. Anthony Fauci, we could get angry. That's not good for anyone. What's even worse, more disturbing, is the number of people who find this man credible as a reassuring source of valuable information and insight. When you watch his face and body language at any discussion of human suffering, and then if you read as much as you can get your hands on, written by people who have known him and worked with him over the years, what becomes clear is that this man...

1) enjoys the attention he is getting (and, therefore, does not look forward to being out of the public eye),

2) is completely indifferent to human suffering [see pre-COVID-19 videos in which Fauci "miraculously," confidently, and with a slight smile on his face, predicted (or even declared) that a viral infectious disease would create a national crisis during the Trump Administration],

3) has no appreciation whatsoever for civil liberties, our rights under the Constitution, and he has expressed no qualms at the ways in which the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans have been upended or with the notion of our rights being suspended indefinitely,

4) has no sense of patriotism, no national loyalty or pride in being an American, recognizes no obligation to prioritize the needs of the people of his country (the USA) over others [this includes his inability to ever have anything negative to say about our economic, military, and geopolitical opponents (many would say "enemy") on the other side of the Pacific - China - and

5) his business dealings over the years should have long ago disqualified him from holding this current position in government that he has held for many years as he is, at most, a national security risk; at least, a person with significant conflicts of interest that we can only hope will soon be investigated.

No, this guy is NOT a laughing matter. But ridicule is one of the tools available to all of us who believe getting rid of him would be a good thing. Any advice coming from Dr. Fauci 1) should not be implemented and 2) should be investigated for ways in which his advice may relate, directly or indirectly, to the health of his bank account.

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