Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) #saytheirnames Chicago 2021 edition

2 years ago

It's time for Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal #faisal4storycounty #latifahfaisal (she knows George Floyd's name, but does she know the names of the black children who were murdered in Chicago last year?) to #saytheirnames

How many children were murdered in Chicago last year & what are their names Latifah Faisal? #saytheirnames clown #blacklivesmatter

BTW, 61 children were murdered (47 of them black) in Chicago last year.

If you want to read a boatload of interesting data to flummox Regressive Dumocrats who still do not know the most common form of homicide in America is black on black... see this link & read the essays in order.

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