Found the answer for vaxed people head combusting upon turning up 5G to full capacity in Israel

3 years ago

(If I find information worth sharing at the time to be scrutinized or warned, I still going to be here for that source exposure, to get the word out sooner, and apologize later for people to make the right choice or doing the research themselves etc. The extra information in the video I share before this one, is called - GRAPHIC! VAXED PEOPLES HEADS EXPLODING AND COMBUSTING UPON THE TURNING UP OF 5G IN ISRAEL connection - the information that follows is still good to know about, just in case and to be forewarned etc. )
Okay Just found footage of what seemingly is behind the ones injured with the connection made to do with G5 and the vaccine concern, where the combustion of the body may have been heating up to a point of steam coming out, it was actually a grenade launched "gas grenade" cylinders lodged in the heads of the protestor in Iraq in 2019 (Took a bit to find the answers) and smoke like gas coming out of the heads due to being lodge in the head, the way they fell to the ground and heads still looking in one piece, not shattered, I still hold onto the view of Electromagnetic wave that is microwave similarities, could still achieve the same results if directed to the head of people at high levels of radiofrequency, and it's hard to know what is being covered up or if the scans are from war times scenario, as these grenades explode on impact? The Rise Of The $3 Billion Tear Gas Industry - So here is my concern, I finally found the answers for such concern - Non-Lethal' Crackdown On Protests Turns Deadly In Iraq - To answer the concern of this, where I added more information to be aware of such weapons the military have come up with that could achieve the same results etc. GRAPHIC! VAXED PEOPLES HEADS EXPLODING AND COMBUSTING UPON THE TURNING UP OF 5G IN ISRAEL - If increase could be lethal?? Still has the effect on people as burning sensation ?? Reason for putting it out there to be questioned .. Electromagnetic beam a new non-lethal weapon for US military -

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