Day 6 - 29 Days of Prayer

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Day 6 - 29 Days of Prayer
Join Wayne Hanson and the Summit Church family as we continue our season of Prayer. Today's Theme: Prayer - We Pray for the Enemies of Christ.

Luke 6:27&28 says, 27 “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. 28 Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you.

Tonight we'll have some teaching on prayer, corporate worship, private intercession and some warfare prayer as we storm Heaven for God's will on earth.

Join us throughout January (2022) for 29 Days of Prayer – Summit Church of Douglas County will be hosting daily prayer meetings at 7:14pm both In-person and online (check website for details – ) It’s time to get a FRESH Start this new year. Beginning on Jan 9th to the 29th (2022) we will be doing 21 Days of Fasting. We encourage you to join us for In-Person worship at Summit Church of Douglas County (4240 N. Perry Park Rd. Sedalia, CO 80135) at 10:30am on Sundays or join our Pastor, Dr. Wayne Hanson for daily prayer meetings over social media: or
Fasting is an ancient spiritual discipline, which reaps incredible benefits. Not only does fasting help you lose weight, it brings clarity to your mind and improves your sleep patterns over time. Fasting draws us closer to God. To join the Morning Prayer times over live stream (after Jan 9th) please visit. These meetings are streamed at 5am Mountain time but are also Archived each day for later viewing. Please join us for this powerful month of Prayer and Fasting!

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