SHYAM DHAK DARSHAN I यहां के पेड़ पर अपने आप दूने लगते हैं I KRISHNA LEELA I GOVARDHAN

2 years ago

#shyamdhak #brajbhoomi #vrindavan

यहां के पेड़ पर अपने आप दूने लगते हैं

Shyam Dhak is one of the precious and famous place in Braj bhoomi, on which mostly people visit during 84 Kos Yatra.

This place is famous for its unique happening in Dwapar -Yuga, when Radharani fogot to carry Dunne or Leaves bowls ( दूने) to serve food after yagya. Then Shri Krishna in order to help Shri Radha Rani, took some leaves from Trees and made Dunnes for Shri Radha Rani. Untill from that time, All trees grown in this area, carry dunnas on it self.

At todays time, some of the trees have remained and grow Dunnas in some seasons.

Its miracle for us to see such a different trees on earth due to our Radha and Krishna Leela.

Jai Jai Shri Radhe Shyam.

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