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Day 6 – “What is Revival?” What actually happens during a Revival?

3 years ago

Day 6 – “What is Revival?”

What actually happens during a Revival?

Have you ever seen a Revival?

What really happens when Revival comes to a Church …

Or to a City …

Or to a Nation?

Are there any lasting results from a Revival?

These are really good questions and we are going to try to give you some answers …

And you just might be surprised at what you will discover!

Join your faith with ours as “Declare War in the Heavenlies and Victory on the Earth” and this 40 Day Time of Prayer and Fasting seeking the release of our Churches, our Schools and our Businesses throughout the world from the evil that has been attacking us for nearly 2 years now!

We are a small Church but we serve a B-I-G God!

This Campaign is for ALL Churches and Ministries throughout the world and is not going to be about any particular Church, Ministry, Denomination or Personality … it is about ALL of us!

Thank you in advance for your support and participation!

Dr. Steven and Pastor Diana Wylie
La Viña de Gracia Christian Church
La Calera, Colombia

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