God's Fairness / Living Judge Themselves - Righteousness by Faith (11/13)

2 years ago

When a person is willing to live by faith, he or she recognizes God's sovereignty and omniscience. Living this life, if we find ourselves in a predicament, James says to count it all joy. The Bible says that we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. However, there will be two judgments - the judgment of the living and the judgment of the dead.

People will not vote in Heaven because God is a dictator - the most benevolent dictator you will ever know. He will never ask you to do something that he hasn't prepared you to do. He understands our unique DNA.

The only question necessary in the judgment is did the person live by faith and does he have the covering of Christ's righteousness. Christ will hold up the life of the person before the heavenly court, remove the covering of His righteousness and show why He gave his righteousness to that person. He will show how that person lived by faith.

Living by faith is a challenge because God's ways are often undecipherable in the short term. He may do something today that may take 10,000 years to understand. In the long term, His ways are always proven to be best.

Those living during the Great Tribulation will judge themselves, because it would be unfair for God to judge an uncompleted life. The first group to be judged during the Great Tribulation will be the 144,000. These are the first fruits and judgment begins at the house of God.

The promise that God makes for those who choose Him during the Great Tribulation is that He will write His laws on their hearts. Through this, the mystery of God is accomplished. Christ in you!

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