No more waiting. We need a special session NOW!

3 years ago

On the heels of federal mandates now coming from the Biden administration, some legislators are becoming more vocal about government overreach. But the truth is that Tennesseans have been under these coercive mandates the whole time, regardless of any action from the feds.

We don't need to talk about a special session anymore. The time for action is now. We must demand that our elected representatives in the legislature call themselves into a special session by a 2/3 majority vote and act to protect the liberty of all Tennesseans from both unconstitutional federal mandates and the coercive tactics employed by corporations and private entities across the state.

Let's bring this to an end.

Use our Find Your Legislators tool to contact your state senator and state rep now and demand action on behalf of Tennesseans.

You can also use our online tool to contact your reps directly via phone and with a personal email to demand action. No more waiting!

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