Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Debunked - UK Statistics Reveal the TRUTH

2 years ago

I found this video on Red Voice Media and it exists on rumble somewhere but decided to copy and upload to my channel. This analysis shows clearly and concisely the pandemic of the unvaccinated is simply false. The case for vaccine passports is debunked as vaccinated individuals across all age groups are being infected and therefore spreading COVID. The vaccine manufacturers clams of 95%, 90% and 67% - Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca respectively are shown to be false also , in fact the opposite is true, you are more likely to be infected and spread the virus if you are vaccinated. The data does not lie, vaccine manufacturers data submitted to regulators all over the world must be re-examined against data collected in the real world in all countries that have signed contracts with these manufacturers.

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