Reform The Church

2 years ago


My husband said how churches have become more like a business.
Open 8 to 5 monday-friday, false worship on sunday, and don't forget to tithe.
It's such a shame, turning a place of worship into a den of thieves.
And don't forget the mockers and gossip train wrecks, usually parked all over the congregation.
Did you read evil communications corrupts good manners?
Don't get me started on these weak pastors, that lead their flocks astray.
Read Ezekiel 33.
If you see their sin, refuse to correct them, then their blood is on your hands.
I can't stand you, letting the highest bidder dictate what you say at the pulpit.
What happened to God's Will and His Word in context?!
It says enough and stands alone, but your god is money, the root of all evil.
Wow how far you've strayed, leading your flock astray.
Go ahead, continue reading into Ezekiel 34, see how you been treating His sheep, I dare you.
We know the voice of our Good Shepherd, He will deliver us from your congregations.
So what does that leave you? Money talks and the people that control you.
So get back on track, even if it costs you everything you have.
To die is gain, you'll lose your life anyway.
At least you'll be surrounded with those that are His, feed His sheep.
If you love Him, feed His sheep!
Have you not looked around? These days His sheep need truth most.
And don't come at me with that's not your truth, the Word is Truth, and being a pastor you should be ready to stand on it the most.
But all I see is cowards with no roots, continuously backing down.
Why are you fearing what man can do, instead of the One Who can damn you!?
The Truth is The Truth, God doesn't change.
The only thing changing is you, when you quaver trying to tell the Truth with the Judas' in the room.
Send them away with alot to say, when you finally man up to what God is calling you to do.
For many are called, but few are chosen. So which one are you?
Are you gonna take back your congregations or choke on the ones depending on you?
It's your choice, but I know His sheep will be okay.
Continue to place your faith in Him, not man for they will deceive you.
You know His still, small voice listen to Him and He'll take care of you!
Anyone contradicting that familiar voice is against you.
They're a fraud and spiritually starving you.
Trying to take away God's Spirit that's inside you.
Now's the time to go underground for the True Churches.
The early Church began in their homes, maybe making a building was all wrong.
Paul refers to our body as the Temple.
To be honest they've used these public places to discreetly cover their sin.
They don't want the world to see their works done in the dark, but we are children of God and they hate His Light.
It shines on all their darkness, so it's you they fear.
And it's always you they turn away, because they can't face the Truth.
You'll be okay, just let Him lead you.
He'll teach you the Truths found deep in His Word. It will spring up and give you new life and understanding to the temptations of this world. He's dividing you from the wolves in sheeps clothing, who are misleading you.

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