TIN Podcast #7 - Poll on the Gov race; Pfizer's deceptive trial results; Power of Vit D and MORE

2 years ago

Welcome to 2022! Editor Daniel Bobinski is LIT UP today while flying solo on the show, elaborating on articles that appear at TrueIdahoNews.com.

Topics on today's show:

1) Daniel discusses how Governor Little and Health & Welfare Director Jeppesen are NOT being truthful about Covid-19 "vaccines," and he call them for their deception. Daniel also shares vital info on Vitamin D as well as vaccine injuries and DEATHS that neither Little nor Jeppesen will touch with a 10-foot pole.

Read the article here:

2) Daniel elaborates on a story about the Canadian Covid Care Alliance and how they exposed Pfizer's deception about their "safe" vaccine. Pfizer misled the world on their "vaccine" trials, claiming a 95% reduction in Covid infections when, in reality, the actual (absolute) reduction in infection was less than 1%. Daniel discusses the details.

Read the article here:

3) A poll commissioned by Idaho Dispatch shows that people do not understand how Brad Little stands for big business SO MUCH MORE than for Idaho's citizens. It's unfathomable that the man is polling at 58%. That tells us that Idahoans need to learn what the man really stands for -- and they will learn it's not for them.

See the poll results here:

4) Listeners are encouraged to request a free PDF of various Covid-19 protocols and links to interviews with doctors such as Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who treat Covid on the front lines. Just send an email to TrueIdahoNews@protonmail.com and ask for the PDF.

(c) 2022 Shadowtrail Media, LLC

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