Gerard Michaels - Only the Paranoid Survive (sinister trap beat)

2 years ago

Sound Demand
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Many see the increasing authoritarianism coming from the U.S. government, in conjunction with the "big tech" industry, as a modern-day form of fascism. Speech is now "violence" in the eyes of the progressive leftists, and many are concerned about where that kind of ideology will lead this country if the progressives continue to gain power.

When you look at vaccine mandates and vaccine passports it is not much of a stretch to make comparisons between those and the social credit system that has been rolled out in China over the last decade. Although we are a ways away from seeing that kind of authority in the U.S., its actually not hard to image that eventually happening if you simply follow the logic and precedent that the progressive leftists are setting. Progressive leftists seem to believe that we need more government control in order to "keep people safe," and "make meaningful change." Once you believe that big government is necessary for these purposes then it becomes inevitable that the government will eventually take away your freedoms in order to protect you from yourself.

This rant comes from Gerard Michaels, on the PBD Podcast Episode 93.

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