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Aisling O'Loughlin interviews Riccardo Bosi from Australia One Party

3 years ago

Aisling O'Loughlin of The Irish Interview produced this extended interview with the inspirational leader of AUSTRALIAONE party Riccardo Bosi who has big plans and high hopes for Australia's future. AUSTRALIAONE is committed to strengthening Australia as a sovereign, self-reliant, Judeo- Christian western democracy which is economically powerful, militarily intimidating, politically free, culturally vibrant, and socially cohesive.


  • 0/2000
  • In Aus the Federal Government being Schomo, waived the licensing fees for all commercial media organisations the total amount being $AUD 91,000,000. This "deal" was done on the condition that the media would project the Australian Federal governments narrative to fulfill the governments agenda, which is the WHO's agenda dominated by the Gates Foundation and the Welcome Trust, the World Economic Forums agenda of the Great Reset and the United Nations Agenda of World Governance using COVID as a cover to usher in the Green Revolution based on the climate change hoax. The aim is to destroy the middle class and force the majority of the worlds population into poverty having to rely on their governments to survive. Once the middle class have their businesses destroyed and their finances brought to zero any assets that they hold that have debt outstanding can no longer be maintained and they will be bought up by the elites. When completed it will be easier to force citizens with no wealth into the New World Order - a communist society with a digital basic income provided by the government provided you do as your told. Using this new digital programmable money will mean that all transactions can be controlled by the government. This is the end game. Your purchasing will be determined by the carbon content of what you buy- to save the planet. The way to stop this is to reject the climate change hoax. Please research the history of where the climate change agenda originated. I can show you but its best to do it for yourself.

  • I've worked with abused kids for 28 years. Pedophilia is rampant amongst VIPs. It must be stopped if we are to ever have a functioning democracy.

  • CCP runs Australia ✌🏻🇦🇺

  • I've seen a late term abortion on liveleaks. The nurse snapped the baby's neck at birth. Black mother location on video said Washington DC. Appalling.

  • I am afraid this video is blocked on my computer, perhaps I find fault with the current government and hence in an effort to silence me ? They break the Code of Democracy and block my access to information they do not want me to know. We live in troubled times, the aim of the current government is to ruin the "Australian Dream" of Democracy and FREEDOM. May they invoke the Wrath of GOD.

  • I think this thing may never be brought down, because too many people would have to "admit they were wrong". If they did admit they were wrong, they'd essentially be admitting they were in some way complicit in the willful death of millions, including children. All the people involved.. big pharma, the politicians, the media.. even the duped public themselves.. all of them, will NEVER ADMIT they did wrong. They're fully invested in the slaughter now... there's no turning back! They've got all their chips on the table and they're all in! The media will just continue to censor all opposition and hold back the truth... the politicians will just keep pushing on as planned.. and 'the millions of fooled jabbed' will continue to turn a blind eye to save their shame. Even when their own non-vaxxed friends are sent off to death camps they'll turn a blind eye! In fact.. the fooled jabbed will most likely be relieved with not having to face them and admit they were fooled. There's no getting out of this... it's just too big.. the machine has got way too much control over the world... the hypnosis runs way too deep. They're even sacrificing their young children to prove their dedication to the cult. There will never ever be a Nuremberg 2.0 trial. Why? Because the greater majority will simply never allow it to happen!! Too many guilty simply have way too much to lose if this is all uncovered and revealed. Most people would rather go along with the lie for the rest of their lives, than have the truth come out. And for this reason alone, I think this may well be our world from here on in.

  • Thank you both for your wisdom. May God Bless you both May He make His face to shine upon you and give you His shalom

  • Book by Fiona Barnett. "Eyes Wide Open" 2019. Australian Paedophiles named including former Prime Ministers and other politicians. https://assets.website-files.com/5b53d84645c6a350274a79a0/5d5d48bfbbbfb93959214b6a_eyes-wide-open-_fiona-barnett_first-edition_august-2019%20(1).pdf

  • I'm very happy to have seen and heard this video and to be a. part of the cause. It's great to hear the truth spoken openly, and to know there are people are who knowledgable, capable, and truly committed to helping humanity through this extremely difficult time. I am in my seventies now, but I'd like to share something I experienced while working as a registered nurse. Over the years I spoke up and took action a few times, against injustices I'd seen done to patients. One of the issues had been accepted as normal practice at a particular hospital for years. After my complaint (and resignation over the matter) it took another 9 years of complaints from staff, before a Royal Commission was called. What that Royal commission taught me, more than anything else, was that few people really care about patient's rights, and Royal Commissions are a waste of taxpayer's money. As far as I was concerned, the Royal Commission only shifted the problem from one backyard to another. The real culprits got off almost scot free. That's how I started to discover that Royal Commissions are a charade, and governments don't care about the people or the truth.

  • Mr Riccardo Bossi I gave great respect for you. This slow process to clean has been happening for 15 yrs, the least is to stop the vaccine by taking over one msm platform and giving facts regarding this genocide. Don’t you think this is more important do more people can start having faith and losing their jobs.

  • Update - Nuremberg 2.0 https://www.bitchute.com/video/yZzvFJK77rza/

  • This was a great interview. Thanks very much!


  • Good interview. Thanks Aisling for seeing though the crap and resigning from MSM. Bosi is a good man. There are of course knockers but he is the ONLY person in Australia with any plan to save the country.

  • With 3 Million+ turned up to Camberra, spending 2 or 3 weeks together, you couldnt put a pin between the people, not 1 person got sick or had covid19 AND yet the govt every day gave a MSM report, & every day the threw around numbers, saying 1800 new cases today then the next day 3000 new cases & this has been going on for that long! I come from a family of 9 kids we all are married thats 18 people & on average we all have 3 to 4 children, then some of them are settled down & have children all ranging from new born to 18 yrs old they have girl/boyfriends, we all basically know the inlaws & some friends of these people AND not one of us know any person who has had C19? So come on really? Not 1 covid19 reoorted. This shits me to tears.