Episode#17- Patrick Bergy Exposes ShadowNet -Who's behind it? Why? Who's spying on you? Global PSYOP

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Who or what is the ShadowNet? What do they control? What are they capable of doing? Could this be the coup against President Donald J. Trump? Is there a Shadow Government running America? Are you safe as an American? Who wants your data and why? What are General James Jones and John Brennan (Global Strategies Group, CGI, The Atlantic Council) roles in this Shadownet- are they leaders or puppets and who’s pulling their strings? General Jones was appointed by President Obama as the National Security Adviser NSA, but who introduced them to each other, who was that connection in 2005, Mark Lippert? Connections in 2005, Jones, Clinton and Lindsey Graham in Munich. What really destroyed are 2020 election integrity, Dominion or Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter controlled by a ShadowNet.

Patrick Bergy worked as a contractor for Dynology owned by President Obamas NSA General Jones and answered directly to Gen . Jones son Jim Jones. What did Bergy do as a contractor, he worked on the development of the capabilities of “IIA” Interactive Internet Activities. What are influence operations? Tonight you meet Patrick Bergy and learn from one of the men who helped development and create the very technology being used right now against Americans, being used to DOD & DOJ to target specific targets of Americans who are conservative Patriots. Your ideologies are being influence by your government to determine who you vote for. Your shadow is being targeted against you. This is the conversation the ShadowNet does not want you to hear.

Join Alpha and Bergy in a full blown exposure of the technology in your pocket that controls your life.



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It’s been an unbelievable journey and fight for me the last 2.5 years and I know God has a plan. Although this journey at times has seemed unbearable, its through the love of my family and my patriot supporters (YOU) that has reminded me of my oath to continue the fight. I am thankful beyond measure for all of your support, in words and financially that has allowed me to carry on. So thank you and God bless you.

The fight is not over, but together we will win.


Alfredo “Alpha” Luna

Moderna Pfzier Vaccines Jab Clots Myocarditis Pericarditis Nanobots Luciferase Sars Cov2 Bioweapon Mark of the Beast Bill Gates Revelations Johnson & Johnson Dr. Michael McDowell Dr. Tenpenny Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Karen Kingston Whistle Blower Dr. Judy Mikovits Dr. Stella Immanuel Santanic Depopulation WHO CDC Dr. Fauci Dr. Peter McCullough Awakening RedPill AlphaWarrior Patrick Bergy General James Jones John Brennan IIA ShadowNet ShadowGate

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