Semi-auto M53 test fire

3 years ago

Yugoslav M53 belt fed machinegun converted to Semi-auto per all ATF rules and guidelines as well as 922r compliant. BRP grip frame, BRP Semi bolt carrier, AR15 fire control group, with Denial bar welded into the receiver to block an original full-auto bolt from fitting in. Saved from the scrap pile of history! Receiver was welded back together from torch cut parts kit, tons of grinding, sanding, and blending followed by Parkerizing. Original 8mm Mauser, not converted to NATO spec. These were an almost exact duplicate of the German WWII MG42 light machinegun. The majority of parts are interchangeable, and the major differences are the lack of NAZI stamps and markings, slightly different stock, and a few minor details. These are hard to date, but this one is estimated to be a late 1960's production receiver with original German WWII bolt head and rollers.

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