English Springer Spaniel πŸΆπŸ•10 Things you should know about English Springer Spaniel

3 years ago

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10 Things you should know about English Springer Spaniel

The English springer spaniel is a breed of gun dog in the Spaniel family traditionally used for flushing and retrieving games. The English springer spaniel, named for the way he "springs" at the game to flush it for the hunter, has long been a favorite with sportsmen, but this lively, beautiful dog also makes a wonderful family companion if he receives the training and exercise he needs. Athletic and versatile, he's been known to participate in agility, hunt tests, tracking, obedience trials, and more, and he's a great pal to have along when you go hiking or camping. Many Springers love getting into puddles and water bowls and tracking mud through the house. This is not a dainty breed, nor one for fastidious housekeepers. Here is the list of 10 things you should know about English spaniel springers.

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English Springer - why get an English springer spaniel?
In this video, we are counting down the top 10 facts about the English springer spaniel that you might not know. English show springer spaniel pros and cons | the good and the bad!!

A brief review on the English springer spaniel. The lifespan of an English springer is 10 to 14 years.
A long walk or an outing in a field and access to a yard at other times is ideal for an English springer.

English springers enjoy lots of human contacts and tend to get bored (and can sometimes be destructive) if left alone for extended periods. The English springer spaniel is often considered a great hunting breed for first-time bird dog owners.

They are very similar to the welsh springer spaniel. so why should you get an English springer spaniel?

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/Top-Brain-Training-For-Dogs 🐢😍 Brain Training For Dogs - Unique Dog Training Course!

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- do English springer spaniels like water?
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- do English springer spaniels swim?
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- do English springer spaniels need haircuts?

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/Top-Brain-Training-For-Dogs 🐢😍 Brain Training For Dogs - Unique Dog Training Course!

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