Not the Major Leagues

3 years ago

Another problem with organized youth sports is that parents and coaches treat it like it is the major leagues. As I keep saying, children are not little adults and treating them like that is harmful. First you have the uniforms like the major leagues, then there are stands often full of screaming parents and others. Then there coaches running the team like the kids are little adults. Treating the young kids as adults is bizarrely what attracts many adults to watching organized youth sports. I don't understand what the obsession is, but it is amazing how many get so animated by young kids acting like adults.
Again, young kids don't enjoy organized youth sports in my opinion, but it seems so obvious for parents that is where they should be. And again, I don't understand what so motivates parents to put their kids into organized youth sports, especially at a young age. It seems so normal to parents though. It seems to give them a sense that the world is fine when their kids are involved in organized youth sports.
Again, kids want to be kids and be involved in free play outside and not organized sports for youth, especially at a very young age.

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