2022 Predictions | 1/5/22

3 years ago

Democrats were quick to blame Glenn Youngkin for the massive traffic jam in Virginia, even though he doesn’t even take office until January 15. Biden claims that this continues to be a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Tomorrow will mark the one-year anniversary of the day democracy almost died. Scientists have now taught a goldfish to drive! So that everyone can prepare for the upcoming year, Psychic Nikki has made some more predictions for 2022. Let’s also take a look at how accurate Psychic Nikki’s predictions were in 2021. Elon Musk thinks that one of humanity's biggest problems is that there are not enough people. A crazy store in Canada is requiring shoppers to keep their masks over their noses even while smelling candles. NBC has some more advice for children attending school in 2022.

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