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15 seconds

Tell the Truth Wednesday

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  • 0/2000
  • Hello mike and jen

  • LA dodgers shirt. That's the second time he was wearing a California shirt. Interesting. Is Phil giving another clue drop😁

  • Jen am going to have to go and get a new job?

    1 like
  • Food used all of the capital letters to do the matria any said to remove all the normal capital letters in only used improperly capitalized letters which he didn't do and we are supposed to do has anybody done that decode yet

    1 like
  • Diamonds also refer to the children.

    1 like
  • My first result was "bring out the military" lol and the second result was "come out of the shadows spirit" and sometimes I think that is what I need to do. I have been into gematria for a while now, but I just use the gematria calculator app on my phone

    1 like
  • Did my name is Gematria- 7th thing down on the list was “Where We Go One We Go All”, 8th thing was John F Kennedy Jr.” 9th thing was “Follow The Transcripts” 🤣😂😂🤣 Others are “Quantum Computer” and “Operation Sunrise” others “The Stock Market Crash” and “Nine Eleven Part 2” as well as “Jeffrey Edward Epstien” and “Opening The Curtains” and “Christ Is Coming Now” … my name? Joshua Allen Carpenter.

    1 like
  • 1) Mark Of 2) I Satan 3) Die Fast First 3 that show up on Gematria when you punch in Joe Biden 🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No joke. Lmao

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  • Punch in “Blake Walley” … #2 on the list is Nesara Gesara 💪💪👏👏😂

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