Climate Change - Stealing Rights From Citizens ? YTN #15

7 years ago

The million dollar question: Is Climate Change (formally called "Global Warming) being used as a political football to again infringe on the rights of Citizens ? We revisit this subject.

Some say the evidence is overwhelming and that the C02 (produced from human activity) is contributing to the increase in Global Temperatures.

WHile on the surface the argument seems plausible the evidence that contradicts the claims is that the earth has also had even higher levels of CO2 long before humans arrived on the scene.

We've seen these kinds of tactics used to instill fear into people in an attempt to get them to change they way they think about a given subject matter particularly as it applies to what is either beneficent or detrimental to humans.

It appears the Earth has shrugged of many a calamity and it should be instructive to know that plants actually thrive on C02.

Insurance companies have been actively seeking ways to game the system. Is the CO2 argument the new 3 card monte in order to bilk the government and people out of their life, liberty and happiness ?

Undoing Obama's Executive Order:

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