17 Best BELLY FAT Burning Tip's! Part 1

3 years ago

Belly fat is more than a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight.

It’s seriously harmful.

The dangers of belly fat and visceral fat are enormous! Belly fat and visceral fat are linked to increased risk of Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes, inflammation, hormone imbalances and Insulin Resistance.

These are two of the most dangerous conditions you can have because of the multitude of health problems they can cause. It's not just about having a big belly that doesn't look good, it's about the health risks!

This is part two of a two part series. In this video I will give the final 8 tips to how to lose belly fat FAST, so watch out for part 2!

Dr. Nick

If you are interested in having me work with you personally, please check out this video for more information. https://www.totalhealthwithdrnick.com...

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