Prophetic Word for 2022

2 years ago

All glory goes to God
It is my hope this is a blessing to you.
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Here is the full written word.
Downloads Dec 30, 2021 through January 2, 2022 to Mary Leonard

Prophetic Word for 2022

I love you God. What would you like us to hear?

Short Review of a few Previous words. See blogs for full words
• I will destroy the Pharmaceuticals
• This will be the greatest revival in history
• Freedom never tasted so good (song)
• Awaken – their fires are lite; see how deep the dark is
• See the divide and unity in all
• Brace for impact – Join my Army
• This one - Call what is not in to purification self and possess new mountains

My children, receive. I am restoring so much this year. It is your time to receive for you and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Chin up, look up, it is well. All is on time for My plan.

Last year’s sweeping went well. The evil was deep, thick and treacherous. Right under the watchers’ eyes. The purification is coming and then the in-filling of the revival Spirit. The demons are leaving the home and home land. Fill your world with the fruits of the Spirit. Joy, Peace, Love to the brim. Leave no room for the enemy to return.
Drink and eat My word and My Love. My provision will overwhelm you. Just say thank you! Just say thank you.

Surrender! I am with you. Now is the time to speak in what is not yet. You know my will. I am for you not against you. I am all good; not a destroyer. I respect your personal sovereignty. You are a nation with freedom, liberty, beliefs, rights and boundaries. I have removed the 7 mountains from the evil forces that were controlling them. You must possess them now. Like in Joshua’s time, ask and I will show you how. You the faithful must fill the mountains. First take you. Second take your mountains. Rebuild the mountains with your creativity, love and for mankind. Your inheritance is here now for your lineage.

Purification looks like freedom from the confinements of lies, walls, misconception, built in you through lies. Real freedom will look very foreign. Ask Me for clarification and direction. Fear not, it is good for a long while. Peace and harmony are here. Call in what is my will even if you can’t see it yet. It is time to possess your land. America is covenanted to Me. I am saving America. Don’t agree with those who don’t know Me. I am your God maker of your leaders. I have chosen and I will not be mocked. My Cyrus is the chosen leader.

Israel is expanding. I am multiplying all this year. Be expecting and grateful. I will lead you to how to share for the Kingdom. This is repayment for the time of the locust. Praise your God. Say with your mouth what is not yet and it will be.

These real wars are ending in the beginning parts of the year. Pray for your real leaders, local and national. It is the enemy that wants you to separate the church and the state. I made you to rule and reign with me on Earth. Do not agree with this lie. As I sweep out the sanctuaries, I am multiplying the faithful ones. The ones who welcome My Spirit. The ones that stand for My principles. Pray for your church leadership.

There is nothing that is untouched. I will not be returning you to the past. It will look so different. The past pains will fade from your memory like the pain of childbirth. In the joy of looking at your newborn. Justice is coming suddenly. No one who needs dealt with will escape. It will happen so fast you will just need to know it is finished. Wash it from your mind and live free. Help your area of influence to see me. Help them over the shock of the massive change. Teach them to worship Me and Praise Me. Spread the Gospel. All is well, I am doing a new thing and it is here My children.

Father God

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