9Hz 99Hz 999Hz | Healing Golden Wave

3 years ago

This is a 5-dimensional healing frequency meditation music that delivers infinite healing power. High levels of positive energy will heal your body and mind and boost your vibrations.
When you exist as a positive energy, you can deliver positive energy to the Earth, and it will flow as a positive energy in balance with the universe.
For your healthy life and harmony with the universe, this meditation music will help you meditate deeply

Meditation Music of healing meditation uses consecutive numbers from 1 to 9 numbers. Meditation is a total of nine different frequency types. Successive numbers contain spiritual messages, and each frequency meditation music of healing meditation will guide your reality in a positive direction.

- 11Hz 111Hz 1111Hz :
Confirm guardian angels.
Positive energy of the guardian angel.

- 22Hz 222Hz 2222Hz :
Energy of life, Balanced in life.
Health of Body and Mind.

- 33Hz 333Hz 3333Hz :
Ability improvement, wisdom of life.
Relieve pain.

- 44Hz 444Hz 4444Hz :
Overcoming fear, liberating guilt,
Cleansing for Negative Energy.

- 55Hz 5555Hz 5555Hz :
Positive change, future creation.
Soul Reset, Return to pure soul.

- 66Hz 666Hz 6666Hz :
Balance of matter and spirituality.

- 77Hz 777Hz 7777Hz :
The beginning of spiritual awakening,
Spiritual Big Bang.

- 88Hz 888Hz 8888Hz:
receive unexpected rewards,
positive abundance.

- 99Hz 999Hz 9999Hz :
Highest frequency of spiritual light.

* Zero frequency :
The zero frequency is thought to have the effect of adding “O” zero to the AN frequency, thereby amplifying the influence of the intrinsic number.

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