GTA Modder's on steroids'

3 years ago

Players: chawliie, xXBlack_PheoniXx, -4NGA-, __astro___boy__
Region: Oceanic

This is a special edition of catch the modder. In recent days the GTA servers have been set on fire with an influx of new modders. Witness here the ultimate example of modder abuse.

I don't know why Rockstar Games or Take Two Interactive is allowing this level of game manipulation to happen but they are.

In this video you will see this group of modders teleporting onto me as I death spawn and continue harassing over and over and over again. At one point in the video you will notice in the chat that they are attempting to put me into god mode to keep me in an infinite loop with an upanatomiser. This gets boring for them so mass explosion killing happens to kill me down.

I make a valent effort to try and get a hit in here and there or to escape but it is to no avail as like all modders they are weak without their god mode or menu abilities.

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