Another day in the life-01/04/20 when the pharmacist states they are out of stock for your pain meds

2 years ago

This can be shared from my facebook page or my blog pharmacist steve.. I can't continue to share this to a large number of FB pages myself or I risk getting thrown in FB JAIL or permanent banned as a spammer and I don't think that will serve the community well. if FB has issues with how many times that I am sharing my vblog. You can sign up on my blog in the right column to receive emails every time that a new post is made. If anyone has a subject matter that they want me to address .. feel free to reach out. I prefer emails ( or texts (502.938.2414) I can focus my vblog to what the community wants to be better informed about. Keep in mind I am limited to abt 2-3 minutes per videos on most websites other than on my blog. I have added a new tab on the top of first page of my blog where all my VBLOG/videos will be indexed. Collectively, there is abt 9500 posts on my blog.. trying to make these more a readily available resource

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