GNN 2 - the 2nd Guerrilla News Network by Sacha Stone

2 years ago

GNN 2 - the 2nd Guerrilla News Network by Sacha Stone - GNN 2 from December 28th, 2021
Next meeting on Zoom January 8th CST 2022

Updates in real-time from Frontline Activists around the world

Scott McKay, Patriot StreetFighter, discusses "We the People" in the fight and the upcoming USA Tour. Deep State is in deep shit. Seals and veterans will self-activate. The people will stand up; police authorities have been warned to pick a side now.

Scotty Saks and the mainstream media: Things are changing rapidly, particularly in boardrooms. Those promoting propaganda are being revealed. Top-level executives from six companies are resigning. Twitter, CNBC, FB may not be around for much longer. They are all corrupt to the core. The new media landscape with patriots will filter into the mainstream. Trials will hopefully go public.

Goldstein Curtis: Freedom fighters in New York with more leaders coming on. The Gilhain Maxwell trial should be brought to our attention: Trial of the century.

Authorities will have to choose whether to be on board with tyranny or the people. Pay attention to NY; if it falls, the other states will fall.
Do you want to be on the side of tyranny, rounding humans up for the greater good into camps? Invite the gatekeepers to wake up.
The penalty for treason is the Death Penalty - capital punishment. Call for truth and reconciliation.

Curoo in Brooklyn. Arrests and distortion of the narrative.
Mitch: NYC call to action for 1 million activists to come to NY on December 31st.

Raphael Ben Dor in Israel: protests against shot mandates for children. Doctors and teachers protested against the Prime Minister. Police tried to barricade people in one area. Security forces are not there to secure the people. If enough people continue disobeying, they can collapse the government in Israel. The media is not covering anything from the people. Many are not yet aware of what is happening; only a small minority has woken up to the truth.

Nurse Kate Shemirani: 36 years of working as a nurse. UK updates. What is happening now is nothing new! What is happening to the elderly and disabled has always happened but has been hidden until now. If you truly want to see life, you must accept and see death. Death must now be locked away. People are terrified of losing their jobs if they don't take the jab. Nurses report seeing seizures, newborns dying, 82% increased miscarriage, stillbirth, postpartum bleeds, babies bleeding out. Undertakers see a 52% increase in kids dying, footballers collapsing, and morgues full of babies. The media and their conglomerates continue to brainwash; this is information warfare. We overcome Satan with our testimony. War on the mind. There is no quick fix. Pharmacia is witchcraft.

Reinette Senum status quo USA 2021 - running for Governor of California, with no party affiliation. All about the children, medical freedom, 7th generation principle. We have already won. The question is, how long will we allow it to drag out. Yes, they are coming for the children. CALL TO ACTION: Step down to Step up—all looking at the same shore. Our God-given inalienable rights must not be touched. Sorry to say that it will take children dying to wake up the masses; we are using their lives to shield us from being cowardly. Our collective fear of death is mirrored in the children dying. Blueprint for California, - build together, we are on the precipice of monumental change. Let's not be bystanders; children are being subjected to biological warfare.

Dr. Atousa speaks to Doctors: You must not go against your oath and conscience.

Sacha Stone: we are subjected to a colossal form of black magick. We are experiencing a demonic possession. As a result, many resist authenticity because it creates a mirror in which they have to define how to navigate this twilight zone.

J Lightheart in Canada is vested in the common law. He solemnly declared that the court is operating outside the authority entrusted to them, and the judge is not recognized as an authority.

Be the man and not the vessel; since birth, we were stripped of our domain and vessel. Therefore, we can claim that domain as ours and no longer separate from us.

Bruno Mihailescu updates from Romania

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