Vaxes are Stealing the Health of Our Children, 3757

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on vaxing children.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been a crusader for a wide variety of children’s rights issues. As Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, he led the campaign to remove the ethylmercury compound thimerosal from vaccines – a substance of which pro-vaccine proponents writing in Kennedy’s heavily-slanted Wikipedia article can only say:

“While methylmercury is a potent neurotoxin, ethylmercury, as used in vaccine preservatives, is safer.”

And that’s supposed to make us believe that the current mercury ingredient is all good.

Wikipedia also opines on Kennedy’s opposition to COVID vaccines.

“Kennedy promoted multiple conspiracy theories related to COVID-19 including false claims both Anthony Fauci and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are trying to profit off a vaccine.”

Well, that would not be difficult. All Gates would need would be the knowledge that the pandemic was coming so that he could make a few strategic investments in Pfizer, and the other vaxx giants. So, last week, the Gateway Pundit ran the following picture of Bill Gates talking about his depopulation strategy for the United States, 11 years ago.

In the June 2011 edition of :
”Depopulation Through Forced Zaccination: the Zero Carbon Solution”

And the big red arrow points to the following quote from Bill Gates:
”The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to 9 billion. Now if we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we can lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.”

To be fair, a Reuters Fact Checker defended Gates’ comments 11 years later, on Nov. 17, 2020, once the COVID pandemic was well under way:

“Gates made the comment during a TED talk in 2010 about reducing the world’s carbon emissions to zero and was not suggesting the global population should be killed off using vaccines.”

I just don’t know any other way to interpret this but that Bill Gates has been supporting a depopulation movement by vaccines and abortion for at least the last 11 years. A year and a half ago, the Daily Mail ran a story predicting that the U.S. population would peak at 364 million, hit by both declining birth rates and declining fertility. This was before the first studies emerged showing the long-term effects of COVID vaxxes on the hearts of men and the ovaries of women.

The truth about both the lack of safety and efficacy is just now starting to emerge about the COVID vaccines. And it’s no wonder! These vaccines – thanks to abundant use of emergency use authorizations have – for the first time in history – bypassed the normal long-term human trials, and we are now paying a heavy cost for that abuse.

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the world’s leading academic physician on COVID, the number of U.S. deaths directly attributable to COVID vaxes is now 178,000 – more than 50 times the number who died in the 9/11 terror attacks, and twice as many as have died in every American war since World War II.

But back to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

In 2008, it was reported that Kennedy had spasmodic dysphonia, which causes his voice to quaver and makes speech difficult. It is a form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the larynx. This makes the following very difficult to follow without the text insertions.

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