Domestic cats ( Felis catus ) distinguish their names from other words.

3 years ago

Two of the most common nonhuman animals that interact with humans are domestic dogs ( Canis familiaris ) and cats ( Felis catus) In contrast to dogs, the ability of domestic cats to communicate with humans has not been fully explored. We used a habituation-deshabituation method to investigate whether domestic cats could discriminate human expressions, which consisted of the cats' own names, general nouns, and names of other cats that cohabited. Cats from ordinary households and from a 'cat café' participated in the experiments. Among cats from ordinary households, cats habituated to serial presentation of four different general nouns or four names of cohabiting cats showed significant rebound in response to subsequent presentation of their own names; these cats discriminated their own names from general nouns, even when unfamiliar people pronounced them. These results indicate that cats are able to differentiate their own names from other words. There was no difference in the discrimination of their own names from general nouns between cats in the cat cafe and domestic cats, but the cafe cats did not discriminate their own names from the names of other cats that cohabit.We conclude that cats can discriminate the content of human utterances based on phonemic differences.
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