Increase Height in 4 Steps

3 years ago

Ultimate Ayurvedic Routine to Increase Height for Men & Women. How to increase height after 18 years of age? What are the best foods and exercises as per Ayurveda to shoot up height during the teenage?
Can we really increase height? Well, to get an answer I did examine many of our ancient Ayurvedic scriptures and have also had conversations with multiple top notch modern medical doctors to understand both the perspectives. While modern medical experts offer no solution other than human growth hormone injections on the other hand Ayurveda has a set of simple practices through which 100s and 1000s have already grown taller. Where modern science broadly suggests healthy diet and daily exercise, Ayurveda on the other hand goes much deeper to identify certain foods and herbs in nature that directly impact the height. It may be a hard pill to swallow for many modern doctors but Ayurveda clearly states that irrespective of your genetics, if you are under 21 years of age, all you need is a few simple ingredients, conviction in your mind and a strong will power to shoot up your height. And that’s what this video is all about. So measure you height today and let's get started with this routine to increase height.

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