Finding Japan’s hidden-gem musicians | Kevin Hamilton (Excerpt) | RONJIRU JAPAN

2 years ago

Kevin Hamilton is the creative director at UBIQ KK, a creative production boutique in Tokyo providing global-targeted corporate communications for a range of major Japanese companies and brands in multiple industries. In this excerpt from Episode 2 of the RONJIRU JAPAN podcast, Kevin talks about Japan’s pool of brilliant musical artists that are largely unknown overseas.

Playing just outside the narrow confines of the mainstream—slightly edgy and challenging, but also accessible—these Japanese musicians are among the best out there. But information about them in English is limited, and therefore so is the conduit to them from music lovers outside Japan, and the artists’ access to the greater world market.

But not anymore. Through UBIQ KK and its music marque Ubiq Artists Japan, Kevin and his team are opening pathways for both outbound/inbound musicians and music lovers everywhere to discover each other, while helping the artists focus on that which they do best: making music.

Although the global pandemic has put things behind schedule for almost everyone, Ubiq Artists Japan is off to a great start in bringing the music of talented, unique Japanese musicians to a global audience, and vice versa.

Watch this space. And bring your earphones!

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