Blog 1-1-2022 We're ruled over by the prince of the power of the air & we need to stop Rev. 18:4

2 years ago

God's plan for man's salvation required conflict between the objective truth of God and the Gnosticism of men. For one thousand years, there will be little conflict because the ways of God are as high as the heavens above men's Isaiah 55:8ff.
For 6,000 years, men were kept in great ignorance so we could believe Gnosticism would work and so we could oppose God. The way men believed we could stand up against God is by the Lord giving us a strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:11 and, His keeping hidden from us His full counsel, and our believing the lie of Satan that the subjective truth of men/Gnosticism could compete with the objective truth, of God Gen. 3:4-5; Rom. 5:12-21. These six thousand years of Gnosticism were the years when the prince of the power of the air ruled over this world and the cause of human suffering. The Lord's Sabbath or the thousand years, divided into two ages Eph. 2:7, of peace will be when the Prince of Peace rules over this world.
As foreshadowed by Ezekiel 33:7; 39:25-29, I had to prepare, in solace, for 40 years so that I could give to both the righteous and the unrighteous the Lord's warning about His second coming- the second age of the Kingdom. This includes a claim that Revelation is now unsealed!
Now those who have ears to hear will be among the first men in 1680 years to read the book of Revelation and to be impressed that two thousand years ago the Lord God almighty left to men these words that apply to modern man, 'that Christ is showing His servants something shortly to come to pass." Chapters two and three are about the seven churches of Asia Minor overcoming Gnosticism just before the Kingdom came.

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