諾貝爾獎得主Kary Mullis(PCR拭子檢測發明者):檢測可被濫用,扭曲測試結果,製造無症狀感染假陽性!PCR Test can be misused to create large number of false positives. It's a Big Scam !

2 years ago

PCR 諾貝爾獎得主 Kary Mullis 是PCR 拭子檢測發明者 PCR檢測可被濫用在任何你想要的東西,來驗出所謂的病毒 扭曲測試結果可製造大量假陽性,被稱為無症狀感染! Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis, Inventor of Cov!d PCR SWAB TEST:
PCR TEST can be MISUSED to judge Common Flu as COVID Creating a large number of False Positives, called "Asymptomatic Infections". This is a "Big Scam !
Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR swab test, exposed the big scam before his death!

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