Democrats Push Bridge to Socialism

2 years ago

An effort by the socialist-Democrat party to force socialism on our great and still free Country. The video shows portions of speeches made by Democrat speakers who support this huge debt load for the United States caused by this bill. This bill is over 2,100 pages long and had its development “behind the scenes”. Truthfully, what purpose can a single, huge bill be used for except to benefit only a selected audience and to be a single transformational “hammer” to force radical changes. It also greatly increases government intervention in our lives and provides for much more aggressive tax collection of Americans with lower incomes. Tax Payer money is used to fund programs in “blue” run states ostensibly for support of “green” policies. It also takes Tax Payer money to run pre-K programs for 3 - 4 year olds creating what amounts to free day care for illegal aliens. It provides incentives for people to not work through sustenance payments. Provisions include increases of financial advantages or services aimed at people who are not legally resident. It has the earmarks of a bill designed to also “buy” votes when what we need is voting integrity.

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