How do we heal COVID “vaccination” injuries? VIDEO #3 (4-part holistic healing educational series)

3 years ago

This is the 3nd video in a 4-part holistic healing educational series: “How do we heal?”. This is the big question being asked by so many who have been injured by the COVID “vaccinations”.

In this video, I share 6 cellular metabolic factors of a holistic healing template called “Your True Vital Signs”. The “injured” can attend to their healing, at a cellular level, by incorporating the advanced healing insight & wisdom, of these factors, with their self-care strategies and endeavors.

I have created a PDF outline for this video series. This FREE PDF can be used to take notes and easily follow along with the invaluable content I share, throughout this series. You can download your own copy of this PDF by visiting:

Through my holistic healing practice (Embodiment Rx), I am facilitating comprehensive healing programs to empower the “vaccination” injured with the ability to change their healing trajectory:

You can communicate with me on telegram: You can join my telegram channel:

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