Demon Cast Out by the Power of Jesus | 5F Church

3 years ago

‘These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons…’ Mark 16:17. Jesus has come to destory the works of the enemy. He has called us to partner with Him in this which requires us to open our eyes to the truth of the spiritual realm, and not look away, allowing demons to hide and torment people. When we can be serious about being a disciple GOD’S WAY, and have passion to see people be set free, then God can release His miraculous power to destroy EVERY power of the enemy! What we see in this video also is evidence that when people say that women should not preach, they are on the enemy’s side. ‘You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!’ John 8:32 Glory to Jesus! REVIVAL IS NOW!
“I have given you authority…to overcome all power of the enemy” Luke 10:19

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