ISRAEL: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Part 7: Ezekiel's Dry Bones

3 years ago

The kingdom of Israel fell apart following Solomon’s death and the subsequent invasions by the Assyrians and Babylonians. Everything had been lost when God surprised Ezekiel with the news that Israel would be restored in the future.

Ezekiel was shown a valley full of dry bones which represent a remnant that God would supernaturally return to Israel during the 1,000 Year Kingdom. Israel would no longer be divided as King David will be resurrected to rule for a millennium over a united Israel and possess all the land pledged to Moses. The Promised Land will blossom once again, Jerusalem will be called “the city of joy” and sin will no longer exist in the land.

However, the prophet Zechariah said that when the truth about Jesus is revealed to the people of Israel, it will trigger the greatest mourning this world has ever seen as they realize so many of God’s chosen people ended up in hell because of their rejection of the Messiah. The greater part of the Israelites who left Egypt under the guidance of Moses, and all the way until the 1,000 year kingdom, were never saved and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. What a tragedy! This is why there will be a period of national mourning like never seen before.
Sermon Outline

Part 7: Ezekiel's Dry Bones
RLJ-1611 -- AUGUST 6, 2017

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