Left Behind | Tribulation Guide

3 years ago

The end of the church age is very near, the signs are all around us and they are being fulfilled right before our very eyes. I wanted to leave something for the people who are left behind, sort of a guide to know what is coming and how to prepare. My hopes is that they won't be left behind if they just watch this video and hear the truth. Hoping that will lead them to the decision to call out to Jesus to be saved. That's my hopes and prayers for everyone.

*This is a condensed version of the video series about the Tribulation found here:

These are approximately the starting points where it begins speaking about these topics. Do know that the judgements of God spreads throughout the video:

Practical Immediate Steps 8:18
The Strong Delusion 22:50
Seal Judgements 23:20
Bowls of Wrath 32:00
Trumpet Judgements 33:00
Antichrist 41:40
Mark of the Beast 50:40
The Great Tribulation 54:30
Armageddon 55:27
Millennial Reign 1:01:00

For more great videos from Are We Living in The Last Days visit them on:



Parler: ​

A big thank you to Kevin G and Kevin H for allowing me to post this video on my channel!

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