Investigating Christianity Ep5: Science and Christianity

2 years ago

This series of seven videos explores the ideas of Christianity, and key objections to those ideas. The goal is to make no assumptions at the start, to enter into the objections as deeply as possible, and to share my own journey and findings along the way.

These come from my own investigation of Christianity as an atheist who came to faith in Christ, including questions like how can you take the Bible seriously in light of science, what about the other religions, is there even such a thing as spiritual truth, and the problem of evil.

This episode covers the basic question: how can you take the Bible seriously in light of science? After reviewing the Bible's claims regarding what we should expect as to the relationship between science and the Bible, we cover cosmology and biology, to see whether there is in fact reasonable harmonization as well a confirmatory evidence.

Part of the series Investigating Christianity by Doug Rudy

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