Dr. Robert Malone : Breaking News To The World

3 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone Its Time For We The People Make A Stand , How can we sit by and let this Happen ? Millions are being hurt and killed from this vaccine but we are still plowing forward. Why is that ? Trump is telling us to get the 3rd Shot , Why is that ? Dr. Robert Malone is warning the WORLD and now he is being silenced , Why is that ? Doctors World wide are being Fired and Silenced , Why is that?
World wide you can't ask Questions anymore , ITS OUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY WAY. Why is that ? We are in bad times and if you don't see it your blind in both eye's. Like Men / so called men beating women in there Sports and we are allowing it , Why is that ? We are allowing lawless in our cities, WHY ? Many DA owned by George Soros, Why are we allowing that ?
Vaccine's / Covid-19 Gene Therapy Jab is Hurting and Killing us and its the TRUTH and the Corona virus that was made in the Lab is hurting us to. WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THIS ? We have all the evidence / Facts / Science and Truth and all there LIES , so where do we go from here ??????????????

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