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Top 15 LifeSiteNews Videos of 2021

3 years ago

Happy New Year, LifeSite viewers!

Despite another year full of what can only be described as information warfare, we continue to strive to bring our viewers the truth. Please enjoy this highlights compilation of our top 15 most popular videos from this past year, and stay tuned as we continue to provide exclusive and groundbreaking news content into 2022.

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  • 0/2000
  • great post. can't believe with all the views n no comments.

  • Amazing truth compilation. We need to get more people watching this.

  • Truth suffers, but never dies (St. Teresa of Avila).

  • Can you provide a link to all those interviews please?

  • It's sad and telling that catholics aren't being informed and instructed regarding the Church's historical mortal enemies: the jews of the synagogue of satan. The world conspiracy in these end times is jewish, not masonic!!! Masonry is only the invisible weapon of the synagogue of satan, the biblical "first beast"; jewish/communism is the biblical "red dragon"!!! See St Maximiliano Kolbe's "The Poor Ones". See Fr Pranaitis "The Talmud Unmasked". See "the jewish peril paris 1936", "Bella Dodd", "the permanent instructions of the Alta Venditta", "the masonic plan for the destruction of the Catholic church" ... Read "The Hidden Tyranny'" with Harold Rosenthal. Watch the video "The Other Israel"! There's plenty of proof... but few are those who have the courage to alert and inform - God will judge those who stayed silent!!!